Rope Camp 2023

A moment of performance at the #ropecamp2023 masterfully organized by ASKA-TOULOUSE and Stella at La Maison du Saula. With the generous participation of Colibri – Honestly the mess on the floor and the state of my Yukata looks a lot…

Double Column Tie

NI JIKU MUSUBI – DOUBLE COLUMN TIE – 二軸結び This is the way I create strong and safe basis. A double column tie is the root of many scene, you have to be more than convinced that you have done…

Single Column Tie

A single column tie is the root of every scene, we have to be more than convinced that we have done a safe one.

Unpublished yet

This post will regularly host photos of previous session that have not been selected at the time the series went publicly published. These are mostly photo that will not be allowed on social media.

A window on the garden

Such a beautiful performance with Yvette in Erskinville at Sydney Rope Dojo, Australia. Photos by Image Taylor. You may enhance your experiment at listening the soundtrack of the performance when watching these beautiful photos.

Granpa’s garden

Performance in Melbourne, Australia, November 28th. 2019 with the Lovely and stong Poppyhummingbird.


I have been honoured by being asked to perform in one of the most beautiful kink event in Australia “Fantastic The Party” Managed by two beautiful peoples from Eagle Leather in Melbourne. I had two so great and beautiful partners…


She asked me for a private session as a photo shooting with her own photographer Photos : Greg Photo

Unification Circle

The “Phoenix’s Orb – The Unification Circle” Performance.A performance By Isabelle Hanikamu with NaughtyNekoAlbuquerque, NM. March 30, 2019.